The Honourable Company of Freemen of the City of London of North America


The Honourable Company of Freemen of


the City of London of North America


The Honourable Company of Freemen of 
The City of London of North America
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Welcome to the website of the Honourable Company of Freemen of the City of London of North America

The Honourable Company of Freemen of the City of London of North America sets out hereafter its mission statement and vision for itself and for its charity.

Mission statement:
To maintain a continuous link with the City of London and to strengthen the linkages – commercial, social and personal – between the livery companies in the City of London and The Honourable Company in North America. 
Vision statement:

Through active and engaged membership, strengthen the link between the City of London and The Honourable Company of Freemen of the City of London of North America, with individuals who are committed to observing the highest code of personal and professional ethics that occurs between Freemen.

Watch Our Videos 

Here are some videos of our different events, speeches, annual dinners etc.

Sir Cecil Arthur Spring-Rice:

A group of representatives from the Court ventured to Ottawa on Friday June 7th 2013 Including the Master 

Freemen's Annual Dinner 2013

In May month of year 2013, our Annual Dinner held.

 Freemen's London Clerk

As part of our annual installation of officers we had the extreme pleasure of chatting with the 684th Lord Mayor of London
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